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The Passion Of Passions
Year 2000 at a glympse

Since the year 2000 is almost over I was wondering what moments you like best, so e mail me and I'll add them!

my favorite moment was when Luis finally told sheridan that he loved her in the church
*heather michelle*

My favourite moment, I pick the time when E~T were on the prom boat.
Submited by Jennifer Simple

My favorite passions moment this year... even though there are many. Has to be when Luis and Sheridan decided to put the past behind them and get together I love when he says "Your not walking away" and she says "My feet won't let me" and he says "Um I love those feet" that was so cute. I lovet that scene and every scene afterup until they did that whole killing sheridan thing.
Submited by Vampy707

My favorite Passions moment was when Theresa was in the hospital, and Ethan declaired his love for her, AND MEANT IT!
Submited by Kelly Moro

My favorite moment was probably the prom boat! It was exciting! Now I want to know about you guys, so e mail me!