My Awards | Stars on tv shows | Caption This | Pictures 7 | Fan Art | Spoilers | Episode Reviews | Pictures 6 | News and Gossip | Contact Me | Pictures | Year 2000 at a glympse | Pictures 2 | Pictures 3 | Pictures 4 | Pictures 5 | About Me | Links
The Passion Of Passions

I'm currently relocating this site, I'll be done very soon.


**The year 2000 is over, but you could still e mail your favorite moments of the past year on Passions for "year 2000 at a glympse"
**A new "Caption This" is up
**PLEASE sign my guest book before you leave!(It's not working right now)

Quote of the day

"What is this? The Ethan encyclopedia!" Rebecca about Theresa's laptop

Updated January 2nd-Happy birthday Maya! Added 3 new fan arts, they're really beautiful,also added spoiler for Monday January 15th

Updated January 1st-Happy New Year!!!!! Added a new link, it's a great site with great wavs and awsome pictures, I won my second award! Woo Hoo, I'm on a roll! I'm really happy cuz I was thinking of shutting down this site but those awards gave me the confidence to continue. If their is any daily Passions watchers, I need help with Quote of the day, I go back to school in a week and I'm unable to tape Passions, I only catch the last 5 minutes (which is enough to keep up) so I won't be able to have Quote of the day anymore, if anyone is willing to help please e mail me! Thanx!(E mail is in "Contact me")

Updated December 31st-Added 2 new links to great sites (check them out!), I have my very first award! I need fan art from you, I just have 2, and both are of Ethan/Theresa, come on, show off your artistic side and e mail me your fan art. I'm really mad that we can't see the right side of my page, I might move this site, cuz it's pretty ugly looking without the right side, e mail me what you think, please I'd really like to know!

Updated December 30th-Put up the new winner of "Caption this", check it out, also put up screen captures of Galen on Rosie in "Stars on tv shows" , I put up the episode reviews of the week and finally added an entry to "Year 2000 at a glympse"

Updated December 29th(AGAIN)-Added a new link to a really good site, added new poll also.

Updated December 29th-Added the spoilers for Thursday January 11th, and by the way, is anyone else anoyed by Rebecca's breats!!!!!!!!

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"It's not worth it, Roy let's just give him our noses and let him go!"


Old TV set; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Please sign my guest book before you leave, it's at the top of the page on the right, I appreciate it! And thanx to everyone who have been sending me e-mails with suggestions, keep em' commin I love hearin from you guys! Below you could also send me feedback, it's faster than e mailing me! Thank you for visiting my site and please come again!

get this gear!

My guest book is up, please sign it,I'd appreciate it! My message board is also up!


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Message Board

Disclaimer:I am in no way affiliated with NBC or Passions. NBC and Passions are both copyrighted. This site is for entertainment purposes only. All of the pictures on this site were gathered for viewing use only and aren't intended for anything else. Please don't sue me, you won't get much!